Electronic Multiconductor Unshielded 600 Volt
This page focuses on the XTRA Guard 4 multiconductor unshielded 600 volt cables that are most commonly used in wood, paper, pulp and plant operations, mining instruments and controls, mass transit systems, food and beverage plants, petrochemical process controls and arctic pipeline controls.
It’s manufactured with thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) insulation on the conductors and a TPE jacket for an extended cable life. XTRA Guard 4 devotes its energy to unmatched cable performance in both high and low temperature cable applications from -60°C to 125°C. It has outstanding resistance to oils, fuels, solvents, water, low HCL content for safety and passes the 210,000 BTU flame test. XTRA Guard 4 features color coded TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) insulated conductors and a TPE jacket in both 300 and 600 volt UL cable styles.